
Detection of CH4 / O2 / H2S in a Bio-Gas feed stream to a 200 kilo-watt fuel cell
Continuous analysis of a brewery generated bio-gas, after a Gas Processing Unit (GPU),
for the purposes of ensuring the feedstock:
- meets acceptable CH4 % purity levels (80% +) for proper fuel cell performance
- has low O2 content (for prevention of explosive gas mixtures)
- has low H2S content to ensure the GPU has properly stripped the sulfur compounds from the "raw"
bio-gas for proper fuel cell performance and personnel safety. (H2S can poison the catalyst used in
converting the CH4 rich stream to the required H2 to power the fuel cell.)
Teledyne Solution
- Model IR-7000B NDIR CH4 Analyzer: 0 to 100% CH4
- Model 6000 UV Trace H2S Analyzer: 0 to 100ppm H2S
- both NDIR / UV units incorporate auto-cal and self diagnostics capabilities
- Model 3190 Electrochemical Trace O2 Analyzer: 0 to 1,500ppm O2
- mounted within the IR-7000B as a space saving approach
Sample System
- Integral sample pump draws the low-pressure sample gas to the individual analyzers + auto-cal valving + H2S Scrubbers
- Perma-pure drier to remove any H2O found in the sample gas (subsequently learned is not required)
- All housed in a common, weather-proof, freestanding NEMA-4 system enclosure with meter viewing windows
Fuel Cell Details
Manufacturer: ONSI (a subsidiary of United Technologies)
Model: PC25
Size: 10' x 10' x18'
Scope of the PC25 Fuel Cell
- Reformer to convert CH4 rich bio-gas to H2 (to power the fuel cell device)
- Fuel cell capable of generating 200 kilowatts of power
- Electrical circuits for converting the DC power generated by the fuel cell into AC power needed by the mains
Fuel Cell Benefits
- Capable of converting waste gas into renewable energy
- Converts a higher proportion of gas energy into electricity than conventional sources of power
- Reduces reliance on other providers of natural gas
- Zero emissions
- Virtually silent
- Modular design
- Operates at low temperature and pressure
Fuel Cell Opportunities
Wherever CH4 enriched natural gas or H2 can be reclaimed in sufficient quantities as a feed for the fuel cell device.
- Municipal Waste Water Treatment Plants (Anaerobic digester gas)
- Brewery Bio-Gas
- Landfill Flare Gas
- Refinery Flare Gas
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Applications by industry - Petrochemical | Oil and Gas |
Air Separation | Power Generation
Cement | Refining |
Food and Beverage | Pharmaceutical
Steel | Pulp and Paper |
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