

Oil and Gas

Air Separation

Power Generation



Food & Beverage



Pulp & Paper


Percent Oxygen
Trace Oxygen
Flue Gas
Photometrics (6000 series - UV & Visible)
Photometrics (7000 series - IR)
Thermal Conductivity / Total Hydrocarbons
Percent Oxygen
- Oxygen analysis of gases inside food packages
- Oxygen in blanketing gases of stored liquid chemicals
- Oxygen in saturation diving
- Oxygen in produce shipping containers
- Oxygen in landfill methane recovery
- Oxygen in nitrogen blanketed centrifuges
- Monitoring blanketing gas in cell culture bioreactors
- Furnace gas analyzer system for basic oxygen steelmaking
- Oxygen in inert gas shrouding of molten metal
- Oxygen in refinery fluid catalytic crackers
- Monitoring ammonia synthesis gas production
Trace Oxygen
- Transportation of chemicals and feedstocks
- Trace oxygen in glove boxes
- Trace oxygen in pure gas manufacturing
- Trace oxygen carbon dioxide in breweries and distilleries
- Trace oxygen in landfill methane recovery
- Monitoring of protective atmospheres of bright annealing furnaces
- Trace oxygen contamination in the manufacture of ultra-high purity gases
- Oxygen in inert gas shrouding of molten material
- Monitoring ammonia manufacturing processes
- Monitoring synthesis gas production
- Ethylene production: Monitoring trace oxygen in methane, propane and natural gas feedstocks
- On line monitoring of high-purity gas contamination
- Determine acceptable oxygen impurity levels in annealing atmospheres
- Process control: surface protection and endothermic atmospheres
- Product quality improvements through an atmosphere control system for continuous open ended heat treat furnaces
Flue Gas
- Combustion efficiency in coal fired boilers
- Hydrogen fuel boilers and heaters
- Combustion efficiency in black liquor recovery furnaces
- Oxygen in refinery fluid catalytic crackers
- Oxygen and carbon monoxide in waste incineration
- Cement kiln sample handling systems
- Oxygen in flue gas from process heaters
- Combustion tune-ups performed by the service department of fuel oil dealers for their customers CO and O2 in clean combustion exhaust SO2 analyzer keeps stack emissions in check during molybdenum, disulfide desulfurization
- Combustible gases in plants handling volatile materials
- Carbon monoxide in coal fired power plants
- Monitor seal leakage from LPG pumps
- Combustible gas detection
- Blanketing gases of stored liquid chemicals
Photometrics: UV / VISIBLE (6000 SERIES)
- Oil in refinery waste water
- Oil in cooling water in refineries and chemical plants
- Oil in ballast water treatment facilities
- Oil in boiler condensate
- Oil detection and measurement
- Specific pollutants and treatment chemicals in cooling water
- Chlorine dioxide in the pulp & paper industry
- Chlorine gas in vent stack emissions
- Sodium hypochlorite in spent caustic
- The monitoring of color
- Color of liquid chemicals and petrochemicals
- Animal fats and vegetable oils in condensate
- Hydrogen chloride in steel manufacturing pickling baths
- Water quality for industrial recycling
- Fluorine in the production of uranium hexafluoride
- Chlorine at chlorine plants
- Sulfur dioxide in fumigation of fruit
- Caffeine in the decaffeination of coffee
Photometrics: IR (7000 SERIES)
- CO2 in natural gas
- Blanketing gas in cell culture bioreactors
- Furnace gas analyzer system for basic oxygen steelmaking
- Monitoring ammonia manufacturing processes
- Monitoring synthesis gas production (CO & CO2 in H2, N2 and CH4)
- Atmosphere control for sintering
Thermal Conductivity / Total Hydrocarbons
- Monitoring of protective atmosphers in bright annealing furnaces
- Furnace gas analyzer system for basic oxygen steelmaking
- Monitoring ammonia manufacturing processes
- Monitoring synthesis gas production (hydrogen analysis)
- Monitoring hydrogen in the manufacture of alcohols produced using the Oxo process
- Monitoring trace hydrocarbons in ultra-high purity gases used in the manufacture of high density
- Monitor gases in hydrogen-cooled turbine generators
On site purity gas analysis